Sunday, April 25, 2010

Super mario galaxy 2!

the time has come for SUPER MARIO GALAXY 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes it is true! when i went to gamestop today and i saw the official box art! sadly not the game :( but the game will be coming soon :) And now i leave you with this awesome picture of the box.


numba 1 gamer


Hey guys! have you heard of the wiiveiwr? if you own a wii you will love his reveiws. Sadly i couldn't post one of his videos on this post because of bloggers stupid new google rule. sorry guys. but you can just search him up on youtube :)


numba 1 gamer

Saturday, April 24, 2010

commadore 64 app

do you have an Ipod touch and want to know whats i'ts like to play commadore 64? well with this app you can. you start with a couple of games and can buy more. some are free and some you have to buy. but the app is totally free.
numba 1 gamer

First post

welcome to my blog. here i will post stuff about video games and nothing else. this blog updates every day. i hope you will like this blog a lot.


numba 1 gamer